Transfer students are encouraged to get inovlved in student organiztions and activities. Here are some of the ways to get involved at Wake Forest:
- Journals: If you wish to become a member of the Wake Forest Law Review, Wake Forest Journal of Business and Intellectual Property Law, or Wake Forest Journal of Law and Policy, you must participate in the transfer write-on competition. All transfer students will be notified of the exact dates of the competition via email prior to its commencement. Transfer students who are not extended an invitation through the write-on competition are again considered for membership on the Wake Forest Law Review after the second year if their grades place them in the top ten percent of the class.
- Moot Court: Transfer students can earn a spot on the Moot Court Board by demonstrating exceptional writing and oral advocacy skills in the Stanley Intramural Moot Court Competition.
- Student Organizations: All transfer students are invited to join any student organizations that interest them. Groups include BLSA, LLSA, OUTLaw, Environmental Law Society, and many many more.
- Community Service and Pro Bono
- Intramural Sports
You can find a comprehensive list of extracurricular activies here: